Ultem 9085 Printing Material

Strong aerospace grade material

ULTEM 9085 Aero UltemVent

Flame-retardant, high-performance thermoplastic

ULTEM 9085 is an FDM thermoplastic best known for its use in the automotive, military/defence and aerospace industries due to its high strength to weight ratio and FST (flame, smoke, toxicity) rating. This particular material is ideal for applications including manufacturing tools, low-volume, high-value production parts, as well as end-use parts and functional prototypes.


  • Concept modelling
  • Functional prototyping
  • Manufacturing tooling aids
  • Production parts

What are ULTEM 9085’s qualities?

  • Withstands high amounts of thermal and chemical stress.
  • Well-vetted high-performance thermoplastic.
  • Available in black and tan.
  • Specifications meet the requirements of the aerospace industry.

What printer can it be used on?

This material can be used on the Stratasys Fortus 900mc and Fortus 450/380mc  3D Production systems


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