3D Printing for Metal Forming Webinar

Hear from industry experts on AM applications for metal forming

Join us and see how you can utilise Additive Manufacturing on your factory floor

🖥 ⚙️

Date: 18th August 2022

Time: 11-11:45am

In this webinar, Stratasys manufacturing industry experts will talk about 3D printing for metal form tooling and the process of replacing your traditional metal tools with polymers.  We will also discuss a few customers success stories, as well as the materials best suited to this popular application.

If you want to:

➡️ Reduce lead times and costs

➡️ Shorten your Supply Chain

➡️ Free up your CNC machine/s to do more critical work

…then join this webinar. Our expert manufacturing team will show you how to achieve the above and more utilising 3D printing.

👥 Speakers

Matt Jones – Senior Application Engineer | Stratasys

Robert Pitts – Sales Manager | Tri-Tech 3D


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Simply fill in your details on the right and we will send all registrants out the recording 24 hours after the webinar is complete.